Fast K9 Security

Can a Security Guard Detain You in the UK?

In the United Kingdom, security guards have limited powers when it comes to detaining individuals. While they don’t possess the same authority as police officers, security guards can detain people under specific circumstances. Understanding these powers and limitations is crucial for both security professionals and the general public.

Security guards in the UK can detain individuals under the principle of citizen’s arrest, which is governed by Section 24A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. This law allows any person, including security guards, to make an arrest under certain conditions.

When Can a Security Guard Detain You?

A security guard can detain you if:

  1. They witness you committing an indictable offence
  2. They have reasonable grounds to suspect you are committing an indictable offence
  3. You are in the act of committing a crime
  4. They need to prevent you from:
  • Causing physical injury to yourself or others
  • Suffering physical injury
  • Causing loss or damage to property
  • Escaping before a police officer can assume responsibility

It’s important to note that the security guard must be certain there are reasonable grounds for detention, such as witnessing a theft on camera or in person.

How Detention Should Be Conducted

When detaining an individual, security guards must follow specific procedures:

  • Inform you of the reason for detention
  • Make you aware of your rights
  • Use only reasonable and proportionate force
  • Detain you only for a reasonable amount of time
  • Treat you with respect and dignity
  • Seek medical help if you’ve sustained an injury during the detention

Limitations of Security Guard Powers

Despite their ability to detain individuals, security guards face several restrictions:

  1. They cannot perform the role of a police officer
  2. They must not misuse the power to use reasonable physical force
  3. They cannot demand personal information or conduct personal searches without consent
  4. They are not allowed to enter private property without permission
  5. They must not impersonate law enforcement officers
  6. They cannot access personal data without proper authorization
  7. In most cases, they are not permitted to carry or use weapons

Consequences of Unlawful Detention

If a security guard detains someone unlawfully or uses excessive force, they may face serious consequences:

  • Legal repercussions for false imprisonment
  • Potential loss of their security license
  • Civil lawsuits from the detained individual
  • Damage to their professional reputation and that of their employer

Your Rights When Detained

If you believe you’ve been unlawfully detained by a security guard, you have the right to:

  • Challenge the detention
  • Seek legal representation
  • File a complaint with the police
  • Pursue legal action if you’ve suffered harm or loss of income due to unlawful detention

While security guards in the UK can detain individuals under specific circumstances, their powers are limited and must be exercised with caution. Both security professionals and the public should be aware of these rights and limitations to ensure lawful and appropriate interactions. If you find yourself in a situation involving detention by a security guard, remain calm, assert your rights, and seek legal advice if necessary.

Are you looking for a quote for Manned Guarding? We can be at your disposal 24/7 with our security guards service. Please give us a call to 020 3668 3654 or email us at

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